Release Notes

  • While planning a mission, you can now double-click follower portraits to add them to the party.
  • While planning a mission, follower levels are colored according to mission difficulty: orange for half XP gain, red for no threat mitigation and 10% XP gain.
  • Missions that require more followers than you currently have idle are now considered to have an unmitigated threat.
  • Fixed an issue causing wrong available missions to be opened after switching to the Followers tab.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when hovering over a mission mechanic icon without a texture.
  • Increased the amount of space available for the missions summary rewards listing.
  • The followers tab now displays a summary of at most 18 counterable mission mechanics, prioritising the primary threats.


  • VersionDateSizeCompatibility
  • M0.6 2014-11-27 14.5 KB 6.0.3