M6: 1.7

Release Notes

  • Added [race:nightelf/dwarf/orc/tauren/...] extended conditional.
  • Out-of-range and out-of-resource ability icons can now be tinted by M6; customize tint colors with: /run M6DB.icRangeColor = "ffffff" and /run M6DB.icManaColor = "8080ff" (applied after reload).
  • Added a callback hook for providing data about what an M6-customized button will do; assign a function to M6.PainterEvents.RawActionBookUpdates to be called with ("M6_BUTTON_UPDATE", buttonWidget, iconWidget, isUsableNow, abStateBitfield, icon, nil, actionCount, cdRemaining, cdDuration, tooltipFunction, toolipArg) and ("M6_BUTTON_RELEASE", buttonWidget).
  • Fixed incorrect feedback for non-usable abilities affected by a cooldown (Kill Shot).


  • VersionDateSizeCompatibility
  • M1.7.1 2016-04-24 48.5 KB 6.2.4

  • M1.7 2016-04-24 48.4 KB 6.2.4