Release Notes

Restart World of Warcraft after updating from version 0.22.1 or below.

  • Missions of Interest tab now includes projected success percentage for the suggested party. The projection takes traits into account, and assumes that all followers are at the mission's (item) level -- it can be exceeded slightly if your followers are over-geared for the mission.
  • Tooltips for racial affinity traits now also include a list of followers of the appropriate race.
  • [.1] Added Blackrock Foundry missions to the Missions of Interest tab. The titles and rewards of these missions will appear unknown until patch 6.1.0 is live.
  • Fixed an issue causing the 4th and 5th mission threats to overlay each in the available missions list.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented trait/counter tooltips from being hidden correctly when scrolling through the followers list on the mission details page.
  • [.1] Fixed an error message that appeared when mousing over a top-level threat/trait summary button for which you have no relevant followers.
  • [.1] Magister Serena/Magister Krelas are now correctly recognised as Human/Blood Elf (activating Humanist/Elvenkind).

(Tickets #192, #230, #229.)


  • VersionDateSizeCompatibility
  • M0.23.1 2015-01-11 56.4 KB 6.0.3

  • M0.23 2015-01-11 56.2 KB 6.0.3