OPie: User Guide: Options

OPie options panel

OPie's behavior, appearance, and animations can be customized by typing /opie or opening the OPie options panel through other means. This page describes the available customization options; you can configure most of them on a per-ring basis by using the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the options panel.


Center rings at mouse
By default, OPie rings are positioned relative to the center of the screen. If this option is enabled, rings are positioned relative to the mouse pointer when the ring is opened.
Make rings top-most
If this option is enabled, you will not be able to interact with other UI frames while an OPie ring is open. If this option is disabled, some OPie bindings may not work while your mouse cursor is over another UI element (e.g. you may not always be able to dismiss the OPie ring by right-clicking).
Quick action at ring center
Quick action if mouse remains still
OPie remembers the last-used quick action-enabled slice in each ring. For custom rings, you can control which slices are quick action-enabled using the "Allow as quick action" checkbox after selecting the slice in the Custom Rings configuration panel.
Enabling these options will select the remembered action again if the mouse pointer is placed at the center of the ring, or if the mouse pointer is not moved after the ring is opened.
Per-slice bindings
If enabled, allows use of per-slice bindings to select a specific slice while a ring is open. Slice bindings can be customized through the Bindings panel (/opie bind).
Activate on left click
By default, OPie will perform an action and close the ring when you release the ring binding. If this option is enabled, nothing happens when you release the binding: the ring remains open until you select a slice by clicking the left mouse button.
Leave open after use
If both "Activate on left click" and this option are enabled, OPie rings will remain open after a slice is selected (until manually closed manually).
Use default ring bindings
If enabled, bindings specified by rings included with OPie, or by rings imported from snapshots, will be used only when they do not conflict with your other bindings. If this option is disabled, only the bindings you've set up yourself via the OPie Bindings configuration panel or the Custom Rings panel will be used.
Controller interaction mode
If WoW's gamepad support is enabled, this dropdown controls how OPie rings interact with controller inputs:
Controller inputs are not used for slice selection. You may switch to virtual cursor mode manually.
Virtual mouse cursor
Automatically switches to virtual cursor mode when opening an OPie ring.
Camera analog stick
Camera analog stick input is used to select ring slices.
Some additional controller-related configuration is accessible using the /opie show-gamepad-config command.
Move rings right/down
Adjusts ring position relative to the center of the screen / mouse pointer position upon opening the ring.
Scroll wheel sensitivity
Adjusts how many same-direction mouse wheel scroll inputs are required to rotate a nested ring. Decreasing sensitivity may be useful if your scroll wheel turns freely instead of in discrete steps.
Ring scale
Adjusts the size of the ring visual and interactive elements.


Nested rings
If enabled, slices within nested rings are shown as a smaller ring when hovering over the nested ring slice currently rotated into the main ring.
Per-slice bindings
If both this option and per-slice bindings are enabled, per-slice bindings are shown on the slices.
Show cooldown numbers
If enabled, cooldowns are shown numerically within the main ring.
Show recharge numbers
If enabled, recharge times are shown numerically within the main ring. This option applies only to charge-based abilities for which at least one charge is currently off-cooldown.
Show slice labels
If enabled, short labels (e.g. macro names, or the #label meta-command value in custom macros) are shown on the slices.
Show tooltips
If enabled, a tooltip is shown for the slice currently hovered over.
Hide stance bar
If enabled, the default UI's stance/shapeshift form bar is permanently hidden.


Animate transitions
If enabled, and your frame rate is sufficient, OPie will animate opening/closing rings. Otherwise, rings appear/disappear instantly.
Outward spiral on hide
If enabled, ring slices spiral out when the ring is hidden; otherwise, the ring shrinks when hidden.
Enlarge selected slice
If enabled, slightly increases the size of slice hovered over.
Snap pointer to mouse cursor
If enabled, or if your frame rate is low, the ring pointer instantly jumps to point to the mouse cursor position. Otherwise, OPie animates the ring pointer rotation.