Venture Plan: Issues

Known issues

Adventure Campaign Progress may be inaccurate after switching covenants.

This occurs because of a client API limitation: only the total adventure campaign progress across all four covenants can currently be retrieved for a given character.

At certain points during the adventure campaign progression, Venture Plan can detect your true adventure campaign progress and will adjust the displayed value automatically.

If you cannot complete further campaign adventures, you can use the /ventureplan set-campaign-progress 20 chat command to manually adjust the adventure campaign progress display (replace 20 with the desired value).

Report an issue

First, please check that you are using the latest version of the addon available from this site – some issues may have already been fixed.

If the issue persists when using the latest version, please make sure you have Lua errors enabled in the game client. You can turn on the built-in error display by typing /console scriptErrors 1 and then /console reloadui in chat. Some specialized error-capturing addons may offer similar functionality.